Monday, November 28, 2011

November 28, 2011

Wow! What a long morning of paperwork, meetings and intake information. Feels even longer after getting up at 4:30 a.m. since I didn't sleep. Howard was a good sport and tagged along all day as my pack mule with all my RX's and vitamins.

This facility is amazing and they are very friendly. One of the best things I've seen is that everyone comes to YOU, in YOUR room, you don't have to run all over the facility to meet with this Doctor, and this nurse, and get your blood drawn from that department.

The hotel is across the street from the Cancer Center, it's a short walk or you can call for a shuttle. (a little golf cart). Rather convenient with my knee right now.

The Cancer Center has an organic dining room where we get 60% off our meals. We just had lunch for under $5! BOTH of us!

They also have chiropractic, acupuncture and massage that is part of the treatment plan if you are interested. If it's not cover by your insurance, its complementary! They also have a salon where you can get a hair cut, pedicure or manicure for 50% off for patients and their caretakers. They are all about making you feel comfortable and cared for.

Tomorrow I'm scheduled for an EKG & PET and CT scan. So my day won't start until the afternoon tomorrow. I can't eat anything after midnight tonight either.

Then on Wednesday, Howard flies home first thing while I return to the center for an MRI on both my head and my knee/leg. The head because they want a baseline scan of my brain. Did you know Inflammatory Breast Cancer goes into not only the bones, but into the brain? And the Knee/Leg to determine why I'm in so much pain and not sleeping. I'll also have an appointment with each of my team of doctors to determine the best treatment plan to move forward with.

Thursday I meet for a consult with the surgeon. Regarding any suggestions they may have.

That's all for now. I'd still like some sleep, so I really cherish your prayers.

Until tomorrow....


  1. I am so glad you are there where I know you will get excellent care. They are being very thorough and I knew they would be. Praise the Lord for all He has done and is doing through them.
    They have talked of putting a CTCA in CO and I would love that so much. I would be sure to put a job application in. Have I told you that I taught beauty during cancer classes when I was a patient in Tulsa?


  2. I am with Carin - so thankful for the treatment you are already receiving through CTCA. I will continue to pray for you. Please let me know if there is anything else I can do.
