Monday, November 21, 2011

November 9, 2011

Wow! It's only been a few days and I've read so much about cancer that I'm overwhelmed.

Let me start out by saying that many years prior to any cancer diagnosis I had made a personal decision that if I ever had a cancer diagnosis that I would be looking for alternative treatment for the cancer instead of the standard three; surgery, chemo & radiation. I still feel after watching Dad Gerdin, my father-in-law the last weeks of his life endure these treatments that they are a 'last case senario' for me.

I have faith that if God desires he can and will heal me with or without the assistance of a Doctor, Surgeon etc. I am researching treatment all over the country and the treatment of 'hyperthermia' sounds very good to me. I found a place in LA, but the housing costs for the time frame of treatment are outrageous! What did I expect, it's LA!?

I have 100's of family and friends all over the country and even in other countries praying for me and God is in control, even when we do not understand His plan.

I have read a wonderful book, "A Cancer Battle Plan" by Anne Frahm with David Frahm. Anne had the 'standard treatment' even to the extent of a bone marrow transplant; it didn't work; They sent her home to die, saying they could no longer help her. She lived I think close to 12 or more years due to the lifestyle changes and eating habits she changed. Another eye opener is "The Breast Cancer Pattern" It starts with your Starving Thyroid. by Dave Frahm, ND, MH, CNC, CNHP.

I've got more updates... I'll keep you posted!

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