Thursday, December 1, 2011

December 1, 2011 Evening Post

Hello all. First of all I must thank each and every one of you for your prayers, comments and encouragement. Your support means the world to me. I have friends referring me and my blog to strangers who are referring me to strangers. Bless you all. We, as believers, are ALL part of God's family and brothers and sisters in Christ. What a small world we live in! Consider this a virtual hug to you all because I cannot possibly comment to each of you individually. (And a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my sis-in-law Valarie Eckhoff in New York!)

Today was a doozy! I didn't have time to be lonely even if I am here alone for a few days. I wasn't supposed to start my day til 11 a.m., and then only with a consult. Instead it started at 10:30 a.m. with a consult with the Radiological Oncologist. It's rapid growing and they want to get it NOW, at least the cancer that has traveled to the brain.

They moved so fast that this early apt fit me for a face mask molded to the shape of my face (so my head would not move) to have a radiation treatment on my brain at 4:00 p.m. today. My first of 10 M-F daily treatments. They also want to do radiation on my leg/knee, but I'm not sure of the timing yet.

Meanwhile I met with my Treatment Team to come up with a cancer Treatment Plan. Because the cancer has traveled the body they call it the three B's. Breasts, Brain & Bones. As much as I wanted to avoid chemotherapy, because the cancer moved beyond the primary location, I can NOT skip it. If it had been diagnosed sooner, maybe we could attempt other treatment. But with the aggressiveness and the various locations, Chemo, unfortunately, is the way to go. They are going to do 4 cycles, that consist of 1 day every 2-3 weeks depending upon my labs of Doxorubicin (aka Rubex) & Cyclophosphamide (aka Neosar).

Following that 12 weeks, they will do 4 cycles 1 day each every 2-3 weeks depending up on my labs of Paclitaxel (aka Onxal). I still have 3 packets of reading material on these drugs and all the 'potential side effects'. They will put in a port to administer these Chemo drugs via IV, but they will not put in the Port until my radiation treatment is complete.

Surgery is a probability, if not a given. But since the cancer traveled, it becomes the last procedure instead of the first. They want to kill the cancer that has traveled.

I will unfortunately miss Trevor's birthday on December 12 ( so you GJ people, please make him feel loved and special!) I'll be home for Christmas, but the timing is yet to be determined, so even Troy's birthday is iffy on Dec 22. With all this in mind, I'm so blessed Troy & Hailey followed with tradition and we put up our Christmas Tree the day after Thanksgiving like we do most years and I was there to enjoy it despite my distraction of other planning needs.

Thank you so much to the folks in GJ who have provided the kids with rides, food and support. I'm blessed to have you on our side!

As I end every post; God is in control. Jesus has a plan, even though they do not reflect our plans. I sure didn't intend to spend my December (AND MY BIRTHDAY!) in Arizona, (but it's sure warmer here than home, so it's a warm vacation from CO winter!) 

"Keep your eyes on Jesus, Look full in HIS wonderful face, and the things on earth will grow strangely dim in the light of HIS glory and grace."

Until tomorrow....Many Blessings your way. Jesus is the reason for ALL my seasons, not just Christmas.


  1. Hi, Cheryl: Prayers, encouragement, and LOVE:
    Mt.21:22...and all things, whatsoever, ye shall ask in prayer, BELIEVING, YE SHALL RECEIVE.
    We're fighting the good fight of faith with you, dear sister, and am so proud of your strong faith and reliance upon our Lord Jesus Christ. I have given your name to another dear sister in Christ, Judy Blackmon...another prayer warrior. May the mercy of God be poured out upon you, Cheryl, as you go through this battle that is the Lord's.2Chron.20:15. Welove you dearly and deeply,my friend,and you are always in our hearts and Prayers. I'm saving up scripture for you every day. Love you lots!!!!!

  2. Tear filled prayers sent for you this morning. Having face surgery alone two times this past April, I felt the prayers of the saints and the power of the Holy Spirit. I ask him now to surround you in the same manner he did me.
