Thursday, December 1, 2011

December 1, 2011 Early Morning

Praise the Lord!! I just couldn't wait to share my praise! I slept for several hours last night!! The Dr gave me a sleeping pill that I took and though I didn't sleep straight through, had to pee due to hot Niteworks & hot Sleepy Time tea at bed, I DID manage to get back to sleep without much tossing and turning.

My day does not start at the facility until 11:00 a.m. with a surgical consult and 12:45 p.m. with a slew of team member treatment plan consults.

Then it's decision making time.

Please pray for my kids: I have choices to make; Birthdays to attend, Christmas to attend, and do I even attempt to work peak of Tax Season. These are not decisions to make lightly.

But as I've said in almost every post; God is in control. He loves me and has a plan for me and a great hope for my future.

God bless you all, and until next time: Jesus loves YOU!


  1. Definitely praises for the sleep! Life is better after rest.

    Praying for peace, doctors wisdom, decisions. Prayers for so many things for you and yours.

    I've not followed a blog before. What a terrific way to keep us updated. You are a natural writer. Hey - maybe there is a book in your future. Yep, I can see it now - Cheryl V, author. What do you think??!!

  2. December is a very busy b'day month for our family isn't it?

    When Jesus told Peter to get out of the boat he was fine till he took his eyes off Christ and looked at the storm. Right now you are looking at Jesus and you are walking on water.

    Just remember the when Peter took his eyes off our Lord, Jesus did not let him drown. He grabbed him when he cried out.

    I love you sis and I'm proud of the example you are being to me and others right now.

    You know how to get a hold of me if you need me.

  3. You have our prayers. God is the God of the impossible and the God of Healing. We trust in Him for you.

  4. Cheryl - Know that our hearts and prayer surround you. Our faith is built on a solid foundation...the rock that will not be moved! We have an Army....yes, an Army world, praying for you. (that's an Army world of about 114 countries!)

    Although, we do not know what the future holds, we trust Him who holds your future. We trust that His ways and what He allows to come in to our lives has already passed through the filter of His love. And we believe that He is walking this journey with you!

    When you are weakest (and don't deny those is the humanity in which we are created and God blesses those moments too!), remember that you are being held up under the Shadow of the Almighty by the prayers of the body of Christ.

    We love much more to say...just trying to figure out how to say it. :) Our love to Howard and the kids as well.

  5. By the way, "mom" is your aunt - you know, the one who has the birthday the next day. :)
