Happy Happy Happy Birthday to my eldest son, Troy Robert Vradenburgh!!! He's 17 today!!! Where did that 5 lb 15 ounce 6 week pre-mee go??
Wow! What a day. I slept very well!!! Praise the Lord! We had a family photo shoot scheduled (with the grandparents) so I got up early to shower and 'approve the clothing selections'....guess no-one got that memo...
Had to actually take a nap before we could leave, but it was how it worked with food, meds and stamina, or lack thereof. Did manage to get the RX from the dermatologist at a much more reasonable coupon copay....God Send!! Now pray it does the job!
Home for another nap while Mom & Howard made our Christmas Dinner. Howard has to work the next 5 days. Then a big family Uno game....Hailey was winning till Papa pulled the last round and won by two points.
3rd nap of the day for me and Troy heads out to his Christmas Party at Youth group. I have to say my biggest complaint is that I'm spending too much of my family time sleeping/napping. My energy level is non-existent. I live in 3-4 hour shifts.
God Bless & remember...it's Christmas!!!
We wish you and your family a VERY merry Christmas. Hope your rash evaporates and the family has a wonderful time together.