Sunday, December 25, 2011

December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas!!!

What a great day with the family. We went to Christmas services and was so blessed by Pastor's Christmas Card Series message. So nice to see everyone today and last evening.

After service the kids opened their stockings and a few gifts. Thanks to every ones generosity they were able to get a few nice things. Thank you all1

We got tired today and picked up Chinese food for dinner. Then after a short nap, I spent some of the day writing checks to pay some medical bills. It's gonna get even uglier, but I had to pay what I could to get it onto my 2011 taxes. Please pray for the finances and insurance. I have a solo policy that 'shouldn't' give me any grief. I had the month of May 2011 and Oct 1-14, 2011 with no medical coverage. I've been covered for over 18 years prior to this. They are wanting to throw in a 'pre-existing' clause, please pray that there will be no issues since there has never been a cancer diagnosis or condition to consider,  prior to my October 15 policy purchase. That being said, it's in God's hands, and your prayers. We then will be on a family group policy starting on February 1st, pray for no 'issues' with the transition to that policy as well. Unfortunately I foresee double deductibles with the dual policies for the first 2 months of the year etc. but the family plan with CIGNA will be a better policy.

My rash seems to be clearing and I slept OK. Had some time I got up and did some computer work in the middle of the night, but that seems to be how my brain is working lately.

Until tomorrow...I'm up wayyy to late tonight!

1 comment:

  1. Praying for that Cheryl, in fact, claiming it....where two or more shall come in His name.....Merry Christmas.......Medical insurance is one of the biggest causes of stress I have! Hang in there and be blessed!
