Monday, December 26, 2011

December 26, 2011 - URGENT Prayer Request.

Hello! Sad to report I didn't sleep the best last night, although I did get over 8 hours of rest. I really over did it yesterday. I missed a pain med too, and paid for it overnight, gotta quit doing that. More good news the rash is slowly going away, keep the prayers coming.

Yesterday my wonderful eldest son, Troy, and my Dad installed a beautiful handrail on my steep stairs into my basement. Troy did a fabulous job of staining it and assisting Papa in the installation. He's been learning all sorts of honey do type projects helping Dad not be bored. They fixed my coffee table that had a broken leg & re-set the dishwasher that had come disconnected from the counter top, (people can be so rough when they do their chores.) Things that Howard just hasn't had time to get to. We are so blessed!

Mom, Dad, Trevor & I returned an unnecessary bracket to Home Depot. Trevor wanted to exchange his old DS and games for some used XBox games & a Controller since he chose a refurbished machine for his b-day/Christmas gift. I think he's pleased with his exchanges, 2 games & controller because of the after Christmas specials.

Then we got some groceries at Walmart and headed home after a quick lunch. Then I took a 2 hour much needed nap.

Urgent prayers needed!! I messed up!
I put a freezer pack from my fridge into the freezer, I thought it was Howard's lunch pack. It was with Dad's insulin!!!
Pray that either it clears up or he's able to control his diabetes through his eating...FYI..he doesn't always eat the right foods! He won't eat the right vegetables etc. My folks are going to drop me at the airport in the morning and then after dropping the kids back here at the house, they will head toward Denver to stay with Mom's cousin Jenny for two nights.

Continue to pray for good weather and safe roads and the best route home for them home. They hope to be back in Maryville, TN Sat or Sunday. They have no need to rush but no one can afford too many hotels along the way.

Until tomorrow....

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